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Senior Updates

Attention Seniors and Parents:

 Congratulations on making it to this point of your high school career. We understand that the majority of your high school experience was during a pandemic and navigating through online learning with limited school events. The 2024 Senior Advisory Committee is excited to see all of our scholars back on campus and we hope to make this last year of high school as memorable as possible. Please read the information below as we want to ensure that students and parents have accurate and updated information as it relates to senior events, academic expectations, community service opportunities, scholarships, graduation plans and more.


Senior Google Classroom (Students Only)

Every senior should have joined the Senior Class 2024 Google Classroom. The code is efrresw 


Senior Remind (Students Only)

Every senior should have joined the Senior Class 2024 Remind 101. If your last name is A - L, the code is @kksr2024a 

If your last name is M - Z, the code is @kksr2024z  


Senior Parents/Guardians

Please join Remind 101 for all updates about senior parent meetings, upcoming school events, etc. The code is @kksr2024p

To join Remind 101, go to

Create an account and log in.  Then, use the join code.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Let's have a great year, Knights! 


Mr. Llewellyn Smith, Principal

Mr. Frank Diaz, Lead Senior Sponsor

Mr. Austin High, EIF Coordinator

Mrs. Melissa Pace, Lead Counselor

Ms. Tammy Thompson, Counselor

Ms. Mercedes Anderson, Counselor

Ms. Sharon Wash, Collegiate Counselor