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Guidance Lessons
Though counselors do many class guidance lessons, there are seven core guidance lessons mandated by state law or District policy. Classroom guidance is to be presented in individual classrooms and NOT in large groups. Though counselors may well want to document ALL classroom guidance, documentation with teacher and principal signatures is required for at least the following class guidance presentations:
▪ Student Handbook / Counselor Orientation
▪ Anti-Harassment / (Bullying & Cyber-bullying)
▪ Higher Education/Career Awareness
▪ Wellness (Stress Management, Test Anxiety, Healthy Relationships)
▪ Suicide Prevention (Breaking The Code, Self-Worth, Personal Problem Solving)
▪ Teen Dating Violence (Grades 7-12)
▪ Anti-Victimization & Internet safety (WHO Program should be used at designated grade levels. ALL students must have an Anti-Victimization Lesson.)